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Moving Spaces

individual and sustainable


W3D by Hadi Teherani

printed at #wagnerdesignlab x Thorsten Frank

S1 by Sven von Boetticher

Triple award-winning design

W-1960 Chairity

In favor of the Michael Wagner Foundation “Kinderlachen

D2 by Stefan Diez x Gonzalez Haase AAS

The unique sustainable shelf system


A chair that moves

Wagner in three sentences

We are Wagner, a traditional chair brand, that focuses on the well-being of humans. The feel-good factor becomes apparent for us when design, movement and health are in unison. Through consequent research and development we created an excellent patent – because it is possible to sit healthy! Everywhere where humans have high demands on their daily quality of life – from the modern office and the superior home to the sophisticated gastronomy.

Feel the movement, live the design!

Movement – the central part of our life

Nowadays we spend up to 14 hours in a seated position. 50% of all Germans suffer at least once a year from back pain, 25% already suffer chronically. For many this means a permanent psychological strain. The top priority for Wagner is to go against this and increase the performance by caring about the people’s well-being. The most important criteria when buying an office chair, is not whether it moves, but how it moves!

Read more about WAGNER


The three-dimensional joint of the Dondola chair forms the centerpiece of Wagner’s collection.Because it decouples the rigid connection to the chair’s base it provides micro-movements which, at the same time, relieve and strengthen the spine while seated.

Groundbreaking invention: Wagner’s first and proven design of the Dondola® seat joint provides an exceptionally good seating experience. The unique component underneath the seat contains a clever mechanism with advanced materials and decouples the rigid connection between the seat and the chair base.

A small component with enormous effects! Because the fine movement sequences increase sitting comfort and demonstrably improve back health.

Read more about DONDOLA





Configure now!

You want to assemble a product according to your wishes?

On our product pages you will always find the configurator!!

With this you can try out individual combinations and even download them as a PDF, as well as a screenshot. Or you can send an enquiry with the link of your combination to the dealer near you.

To the products

WAGNER live!



The WAGNER TV spot can be seen on TV all year round. For example, with the year-round booking on the popular music station DELUXE MUSIC, an enormous reach with many end customer contacts is achieved.

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